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Storing and Fetching Values


Generally, many people get around this with something like a void *arg parameter, but PyAwaitable has a better solution. We call it "value storage."

Value storage in PyAwaitable is simply packing and unpacking of an array. Specifically, we have three different types of values that we can store.


Let's start with the very basics, with what we call "normal values," which are Python objects (or more technically, PyObject pointers). We load Python objects into PyAwaitable by calling pyawaitable_save with the number of arguments, followed by variadic parameters.

For tutorial purposes, let's come back to our test method. This time, it will be METH_VARARGS, so we can take multiple arguments:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    return pyawaitable_new(); // To make it async, for now.

static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
    {"test", test, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // sentinel

OK, now let's add a call to pyawaitable_save:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject *coro;
    PyObject *something_else;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &coro, &something_else))
        return NULL;

    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    // We'll need the callback here in a moment.
    // For now, just focus on the save() call.
    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 1, something_else) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Perfect! We've saved something_else into our PyAwaitable object (and in turn, incremented it's reference count).

Size Limit

For performance reasons, value arrays are preallocated, with a size of 32 (i.e., you cannot store more than 32 values). If you try to overflow the size, a ValueError is raised by pyawaitable_save. If you would like to increase this limit, download a vendorable copy of PyAwaitable, and change the value of the CALLBACK_ARRAY_SIZE in the source code.

We can call pyawaitable_save multiple times to append to the internal value array.

if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 1, something_else) < 0)
    /* ... */
    return NULL;

if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 2, foo, bar) < 0)
    /* ... */
    return NULL

if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 1, baz) < 0)
    /* ... */
    return NULL;

In the above, our value array would be of size 4. However, the above would be considered bad practice! You should always try to only call pyawaitable_save once per function, and just pass as many arguments as you need in the one call. Our example above could be refactored to:

if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 4, something_else, foo, bar, baz) < 0)
    /* ... */
    return NULL;

Reference Counting

Contrary to what your instincts might be telling you, pyawaitable_save does not steal references. In our previous example, we didn't needed to Py_DECREF anything because they are borrowed references. If we have a strong reference, then not Py_DECREF'ing an argument would be a reference leak! For example, the following would not be valid:

PyObject *str = PyUnicode_FromString("abc");
if (pyawaitable_save(aw, 1, str) < 0)
    return NULL;
    // Wrong! We need to Py_DECREF(str) here!

// We need a Py_DECREF(str) here as well, if we're done using it.

Again, this is only in the case of a strong reference. Object pointers obtained by something like PyArg_ParseTuple are borrowed, and hence do not need to be Py_DECREF'd.


Note that most functions in the C API return strong references! If you're unsure about what a function returns, check the Python documentation.


Now how do we do anything with it? We can unpack it in a callback via pyawaitable_unpack, by passing it pointers to other (typically, local) PyObject * pointers. This number has to be the same as the number we passed to pyawaitable_save originally. For example, if we take our example from earlier where we stored something_else, we could unpack it in callback as such:

static int
callback(PyObject *aw, PyObject *result)
    PyObject *something_else;
    if (pyawaitable_unpack(aw, &something_else) < 0)
        return -1;

    // something_else is now a borrowed reference to what
    // we stored in our original function!

    /* ... */

    return 0;

Per the comment above, pyawaitable_unpack unpacks each pointer into borrowed references. PyAwaitable deals with decrementing them when it is deallocated.

You may have also noticed that we don't pass the number of arguments to unpack. Both you (the developer) and PyAwaitable already know at this point how many values you saved! If you saved four values, you need to pass four pointers to unpack four values.

However, if you pass a NULL pointer to pyawaitable_unpack, we skip that value. For example, in our large example from earlier, if we only wanted to unpack foo and baz, it would look like:

PyObject *foo;
PyObject *baz;

if (pyawaitable_unpack(aw, NULL, &foo, NULL, &baz) < 0)
    return -1;

Arbitrary Values

So far, we've only talked about values that are first-class Python objects, that can be Py_INCREF'd and Py_DECREF'd accordingly. But what about if you have a value is just, in general, something else? PyAwaitable refers to this as arbitrary value storage.

Arbitrary value storage is nearly identical to object storage, except that PyAwaitable does not manage that memory for you. You're responsible for dealing with the state of that memory!

As an example, let's try and save a malloc'ed string:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *coro) // We're back to METH_O!
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    char *str = PyMem_Malloc(16); // PyMalloc for this example
    if (str == NULL) {
        return PyErr_NoMemory();

    // Notice that this is pyawaitable_save_arb!
    if (pyawaitable_save_arb(aw, 1, str) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Great! As you can see above, we use pyawaitable_save_arb to save generic void * pointers, not pyawaitable_save.

It's also worth noting that the arbitrary values and "normal" values are totally unconnected (as in, they are in different arrays). You could save 10 arbitrary values, then 4 normal values, and you wouldn't have to change anything. Use pyawaitable_unpack_arb to unpack arbitrary values, and pyawaitable_unpack to unpack object values. As an example:

static int
callback(PyObject *aw, PyObject *result)
    char *str;
    // Notice the use of pyawaitable_unpack_arb, instead of
    // the usual pyawaitable_unpack when using object values.
    if (pyawaitable_unpack_arb(aw, &str) < 0)
        return -1;

    // Do something with str

    PyObject *foo;
    if (pyawaitable_unpack(aw, &foo, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

However, we forgot something! str was allocated by malloc, so this is leaked memory. We need to free() it. But won't that cause a use-after-free error? Nope, since PyAwaitable never actually tries to touch a void * that you give it. In fact, if you freed str, you could unpack it just fine!

In fact, this is the workflow that you should follow for your PyAwaitable callbacks. You are the only person using that callback, you know what will be called next. It's your job to get that logic together and figure out where to free your memory.

Integer Values

Finally, we have integer values. These are pretty self explanatory: instead of storing a PyObject *, or a void *, we can store general integers (these are stored as longs internally).

Once again, integer values are seperate from object and arbitrary values, and stored in seperate arrays. For example, if you store 3 arbitrary values, it won't affect how you save and unpack 4 other integer values.

As a quick example, we can store some flags:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *coro) // We're back to METH_O!
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    long val = MY_FLAG | SOME_OTHER_FLAG;

    // Notice that this is pyawaitable_save_int!
    if (pyawaitable_save_int(aw, 1, val) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Which, of course, is unpacked like so, via pyawaitable_unpack_int:

static int
callback(PyObject *aw, PyObject *result)
    long flags;
    if (pyawaitable_unpack_int(aw, &flags) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* ... */

    return 0;

Bypassing the integer limit

As stated previously, this is stored as a long, meaning you'll have some overflow problems if you try to use larger integer types. To get around this, you can just allocate it as heap memory, and save it as an arbitrary values (do note that this has to be freed, of course):

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *coro) // We're back to METH_O!
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    long long val = /* ... */;
    long long *mem = malloc(sizeof(long long));
    *mem = val;

    if (pyawaitable_save_arb(aw, 1, mem) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Getting and Setting

In some cases, you might want to overwrite existing saved values (e.g. in a recursive callback). For example, we could have some state information, and want to change that between calls.

Let's start in a callback that uses itself recursively:

static int
callback(PyObject *aw, PyObject *result)
    if (!PyCoro_CheckExact(result)) {
        return 0;

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, result, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *coro) // We're back to METH_O!
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Theoretically, callback could be called an infinite number of times for the same PyAwaitable object, so we don't know what the state of the call is!

OK, let's start by saving an integer value:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *coro) // We're back to METH_O!
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, coro, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    if (pyawaitable_save_int(aw, 1, 1) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

But, so far, we've only learned about appending to the values array, not mutating in place. So, how do we do that? Each of the value arrays have their own get and set functions.

In this case, we want pyawaitable_set_int:

static int
callback(PyObject *aw, PyObject *result)
    long value = pyawaitable_get_int(aw, 0);
    if (value == -1 && PyErr_Occurred())
        return -1;

    if (pyawaitable_set_int(aw, 0, value + 1) < 0)
        return -1;

    if (!PyCoro_CheckExact(result))
        return 0;

    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, result, callback, NULL) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

Great! We increment our state for each call!

Prefer unpack over get!

In the above, pyawaitable_get_int was used for teaching purposes. pyawaitable_get_* functions exist for very niche cases, they shouldn't be preferred over pyawaitable_unpack_*!

Next Steps

Congratuilations, you now know how to use PyAwaitable! If you're interested in reading about the internals, be sure to take a look at the scrapped PEP draft, where this was originally designed to be part of CPython.

Moreover, this project was conceived due to being needed in If you would like to see some very complex examples of PyAwaitable usage, take a look at their C ASGI implementation, which is powered by PyAwaitable.