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Awaiting Coroutines


Now, let's await some coroutines! As you likely know from working with Python code, you cannot await something from outside an asynchronous function. So, how do we make a C function asynchronous? Well, we're getting ahead of ourselves, we don't even have a method to call yet! For simplicitly, let's configure a function with METH_O:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)

static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
    {"test", test, METH_O, NULL},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // sentinel

Making an asynchronous C function

Now let's make this asynchronous. First, we need to create a new PyAwaitable object, through pyawaitable_new. This is where the magic happens! Returning one of these objects from the C function inherently makes it asynchronous (in a sense, at least), as if it were defined with async def. Using test from above, this looks like:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
    return pyawaitable_new();

If you were to use test from Python, you can now execute it via await (note that the passed 42 is just to make METH_O happy):

>>> import test
>>> await test.test(42)

This doesn't do anything yet, we simply have an awaitable function that's defined in C. However, we overrode the return value with our PyAwaitable object! If we want the await expression to return a value other than None, you can use pyawaitable_set_result:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();
    if (aw == NULL)
        return NULL;

    PyObject *value = PyLong_FromLong(42);
    if (value == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (pyawaitable_set_result(aw, value) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

Now, if we try this from Python:

>>> import test
>>> await test.test(None)  # To satisfy METH_O, once again

What's going on here?

To understand PyAwaitable, let's dive deeper into what async def actually does. We can get a clear idea of what we're doing with PyAwaitable by looking at what an asynchronous function returns, without the await:

async def my_func() -> None:


In Python, all async def functions do is return a coroutine, which is usable via await. Our PyAwaitable is no different: it is also a coroutine! We mimic what an async def function would do by returning an object that can be awaited.

It's worth noting that a key difference between Python coroutines and PyAwaitable coroutines is the amount of lazy-evaluation. For example, in the following Python code:

async def my_func() -> None:
    print(0 / 0)


This does not raise a ZeroDivisionError, because the coroutine is lazy: it won't execute that until we await it. However, with a C function, we would return NULL instead of the PyAwaitable object, so we can't be lazy.

Awaiting from C


In technical terms, when we say "coroutine," what we really mean is awaitable (i.e., you can perform await on it, or that it supports __await__.) Nothing in PyAwaitable is specific to coroutine objects, but really any awaitable object. For reference, see

Now that we understand defining asynchronous function, let's try and replicate the expression await coro in C. The function we need to use for awaiting a coroutine is pyawaitable_await. For reference, here's it's signature:

    PyObject *aw,
    PyObject *coro,
    awaitcallback cb,
    awaitcallback_err err

There's a lot to unpack here! To keep it simple, let's just focus on the first two arguments: aw and coro. aw is the PyAwaitable object created by pyawaitable_new, and coro is a coroutine (or really, any object that supports __await__).


Note that once again, a coroutine is not an async def function, but what's returned by it. You cannot await an async def function directly!

Ok, with that in mind, let's await the argument passed via METH_O:

static PyObject *
test(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
    PyObject *aw = pyawaitable_new();
    if (pyawaitable_await(aw, arg, NULL, NULL) < 0)
        return NULL;

    return aw;

The above is roughly equivalent to the following Python code:

async def test(arg: Awaitable) -> None:
    await arg

However, a counter-intuitive property of this is that in C, arg is not awaited directly after the pyawaitable_await call.

In fact, we don't actually await anything in our function body. Instead, we mark it for awaiting to PyAwaitable, and then that object we returned will deal with it when it is awaited by the user.

For example, if you wanted to await three coroutines: foo, bar, and baz, you would call pyawaitable_await on each of them, but they wouldn't actually get executed until after the C function has returned.

Now, how do we do something with the result of the awaited coroutine? We do that with a callback, which we'll talk about next.